
Showing posts from November, 2020


  I really wanted a bean with a bouncing booty, and that was the only body part that looked good. The legs slid across the floor and the arms didn't bounce with the body. I did not pay close enough attention to references. 


  The goal here was to create an animation with a character that interacts with a heavy object. I did a good job at making the box look heavy but struggled with character mechanics and proportions a bit. For reference I recorded myself lifting a heavy bucket and tried to translate it into this bean

Head Turn

  The assignment was to create a headturn. I decided to do a praying mantis head, which I did not break down enough. I needed to add antennas and some of the body to communicate the type of bug. I was successful in using arcs though.


  The goal here was to create an animation with a flour sack character that shows an emotion. My goal was to have the flour sack fall and get deformed and then panic about it. I struggled to do that here, I think I needed a shot at the beginning to show the regular shape. I also did not have enough inbetweens with the arm movements, they were too fast. If this were a squash and stretch assignment I would have been super proud.

Overlapping Action

 The goal here was to create an animation that involved overlapping action, which is an action that is dependent on another action. An action caused by an action, my idea was an airplane carrying cargo and crashing. This airplane found the strangest cloud.